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Red Jordan Arobateau's Online Memorial Photo

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Memorial Biography

My dear friend Red Jordan Arobateau passed away on November 25, 2021 at the age of 78. was a writer, painter, and spiritual seeker. If you ever met Red, you likely remember him. He was a polarizing figure who touched many lives. A spiritual seeker and prolific artist, Red overcame many obstacles to bring his art into the world. He spoke his truth and was a voice for many who would otherwise remain unheard. As I struggled to find the words to commemorate Red's passing, I discovered that he had already written them in his inimitable style: "We are star people. God's people. The first spore of us put down here from a distant galaxy to spawn and thrive here, and eventually leave. Blast off in rocket ships for greater, higher worlds. The world all over is screaming in pain...and also in birth. We stand midway between God and angels! The stars are our home! To the stars we will return!" -Red Jordan Arobateau. Stage Door, the End. Red Jordan Arobateau's funeral service was held at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco on March 27, 2022. His manuscripts and audio-visual recordings will be preserved in the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria. Please share the news of his passing and invite others to contribute to this memorial. --Dr. Sam Mireles, November 28, 2021